Verdict in the ‘Drenica I’ case

Verdict in the ‘Drenica I’ case

On 15 September 2016, a Panel of the Court of Appeals composed of two EULEX Judges and one Kosovo Judge, decided upon the appeals of the defence counsels and on the appeal of the Special Prosecutor filed against the Judgement rendered by the Basic Court of Mitrovica in the so called ‘Drenica I’ case. The Appellate Panel consequently modified the judgment.

The appeals filed on behalf of the defendants were partially granted and the judgments were modified accordingly:

The Defendant S.L. is sentenced to 7 (seven) years of imprisonment.


Taking into consideration the punishments previously imposed in the case known as ‘Drenica II’, dated 14 September, 2016:

The defendant S.S. is imposed the aggregated punishment of 10 (ten) years of imprisonment.

The defendant J.D is imposed the aggregated punishment of 7 (seven) years of imprisonment.

 The remaining parts of the judgment are affirmed.