Driton Muharremi
Judge - KJC Member - Court of Appeals

Driton Muharremi is a judge in the Serious Crimes Department at the Court of Appeals. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Prishtina in 2001. He passed the Bar Exam in 2003. In 2007 he completed his post-graduate studies and gained the title of Master of Legal Sciences. While in 2015 he finished his PhD the University of Travnik - Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he gained the title of Doctor of Criminal Legal Sciences. He started his judicial practice in the Municipal Court in Prishtina, in 2002. Then from 2003 to 2006, he was a professional associate in the same court. In 2006 he was appointed a judge in the Municipal Court in Prishtina, where he worked until 2010, before being appointed a judge in the District Court in the capital. He has been working in the Court of Appeals since January 2013. Publications: 1. Korajlic.N, Muharremi.D, \\\\\\ \"Kriminalistika \\\\\\\", Riinvest Institute, 2009, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo 2. Korajlic.N, Muharremi .D, \\\\\\ \"Heuristicka Kriminalistika \\\\\\\", University of Travnik, 2011, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 Superina.M, Korajlic.N, Muharremi.D, \\\\\\ \"Komparativni Prikaz Analysis Odbacaja Kaznenih Prijava / Izvjesca in the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina \'\', University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Criminology, Criminology and Security Studies, 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 4. Korajlic.N, Muharremi.D, Ademaj Xh. \\\\\\ \"Criminalistic Terminology \\\\\\ \", Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prishtina 2016. In addition to the mother tongue (Albanian), he also speaks Serbian, English and German.